2021 CLA Winter Carnival Results!
The CLA Board would like to thank everyone who participated in the CLA Winter Fun Day activities this past Saturday. We know it was not like the normal CLA Winter Festival, but hopefully you had fun and enjoyed the fishing derby, scavenger hunt, closest to the pin contest, building your snow sculptures, and snow tubing!
CONGRATULATIONS go to the following DOOR PRIZE WINNERS who participated in Saturday’s activities:
Aleshia Poicus - One Dozen Donuts from Conley's Bakery
Debra Derry - $25 Gift Certificate from Lakeside Motor Sports
Tracy Bowen - One Dozen Donuts from Conley's Bakery
Katy Bengl - One Month Fitness Membership to Becky Lentz Physical Therapy
Erika Doroghazi - $25 Gift Certificate from Lakeside Motor Sports
Josh Horvath - Electric Skillet, donated by Ace Hardware
Stacey Cummings - $25 Gift Certificate from Lakeside Motor Sports
Donna VonderHoff - 16" Two Item Pizza from Mancino's
Ashley Cook - Bamboo Level, donated by Ace Hardware
Joyce & Dave Wilcox - $25 Gift Certificate from Lakeside Motor Sports
Bruce & Paige Kubski - 16" Two Item Pizza from Mancino's
Sandy Weir - $20 Gift Card from Hixson's
CLA “SOLVE & GATHER” Scavenger Hunt – And the WINNERS ARE….
We heard FUN was had during the Scavenger Hunt! Thank you to everyone who participated. Congratulations to the Top 3 winners of the Solve & Gather Scavenger Hunt!
1st Place - Katy Bengl
2nd Place - Bill, Monica & Erika Doroghazi
3rd Place - Donna VonderHoff
And a special thanks goes to The Rhoton/Greenman Family for saving the Balloon Sculpture from a ‘popping’ fate.

CLA Snow Sculpture Contest – And the WINNERS ARE…
The CLA Board would like to thank the participants of the CLA Snow Sculpture Contest. We had two entries, and that made it even harder to pick a winner – both snow sculptures were GREAT! Hopefully you had FUN creating your snow people. CONGRATULATIONS!
1st Place Winners - Bruce & Paige Kubski
2nd Place Winners - Joyce & Dave Wilcox

Closest to the Pin Contest – Congrats to the Winners!
Thank you to everyone who faced the cold and snow to participate in the Closest to the Pin Contest, hosted by Dennis Wolfe during Saturday’s CLA Winter Fun Day. Congratulations go to the Top 3 Winners!
1st Place - David Jones – 29.5 inches
2nd Place - Linda Onken - 23'4”
3rd Place - Madison Allen - 17'7"
Thanks to the generosity of all the participants, $155 will be donated to God's Helping Hands.